Trail Ride Mandatory Equipment (Required on first ride)
- Recovery Point Front & Rear
- Full Tank of Gas
- First Aid Kit
- Trash Bag
- Health Information Sheet (found in your club profile)
- Trail Ride Waiver (found in your club profile)
Trail Ride Required Equipment (Required by 2nd ride)
- Kinetic Recovery Rope or Kinetic Strap
- GMRS Radio (An External Antenna will Provide a better experience)
- Fire Extinguisher
- Soft Shackle or D Ring Shackle
Trail Ride Recommended Equipment
- Basic Tool Set, including any “odd” size tools required for your Jeep
- Tow Strap
- Spare Tire
- Appropriate Jack (stock jack is not always sufficient if oversize tires/lift
- Tire Air Down and Air Up Tools